The skin is red, itchy and even has rashes. These symptoms may correspond to several inflammatory skin diseases called eczema. It is called contact eczema when this infection is linked to the hypersensitivity of the epidermis in contact with an external substance. Then there is the nummular eczema which manifests itself in rounded plaques as well as the margined Hebrew eczema, mycosic infection of the groin. Finally, there is atopic eczema or dermatitis. This allergic pathology mainly affects children and is manifested in red patches. How to relieve these ailments?

Here are some tips to help you treat eczema.

1. Improve your lifestyle.
It is possible to apply a certain lifestyle in addition to drug treatments or even in prevention. Some good practices include:
prefer the shower to the bath, because it dries the skin less;
use soap-free, fragrance-free and fat-free cleaners or breads;
dry the skin without rubbing but rather by buffering to preserve it;
apply emollient cream to restore skin and moisturize it;
prefer cotton clothing. Indeed, synthetic and acrylic clothing can irritate the skin;
Use a hypoallergenic, phosphate-free and softening detergent to avoid irritations and allergies.

2. Massage lesions with synergy of vegetable and essential oils.
This syndrome may be hereditary or psychological. The sensitivity of the subject (children or adults) will weaken the body and epidermis. This will promote the acidity of the skin and therefore cause skin lesions.
Applying Revitalizing Oil two to three times a day will work effectively on plaques, redness, skin reactions. Indeed, this synergy of vegetable and essential oils balances all skin types. It revitalizes and softens the skin.
For infants, young children and people allergic to essential oils, you can massage the affected areas, one to three times a day as needed, with Organic Calophylle Oil, 100% vegetable oil extracted from the Calophyllum nut. It is suitable for sensitive skin and has many virtues: revitalizing, restorative, soothing and circulatory. The Nourishing and Repairing Balm is also very suitable.
Here are some tips to help you treat eczema.

1. Improve your lifestyle.
It is possible to apply a certain lifestyle in addition to drug treatments or even in prevention. Some good practices include:
prefer the shower to the bath, because it dries the skin less;
use soap-free, fragrance-free and fat-free cleaners or breads;
dry the skin without rubbing but rather by buffering to preserve it;
apply emollient cream to restore skin and moisturize it;
prefer cotton clothing. Indeed, synthetic and acrylic clothing can irritate the skin;
Use a hypoallergenic, phosphate-free and softening detergent to avoid irritations and allergies.

2. Massage lesions with synergy of vegetable and essential oils.
This syndrome may be hereditary or psychological. The sensitivity of the subject (children or adults) will weaken the body and epidermis. This will promote the acidity of the skin and therefore cause skin lesions.
Applying Revitalizing Oil two to three times a day will work effectively on plaques, redness, skin reactions. Indeed, this synergy of vegetable and essential oils balances all skin types. It revitalizes and softens the skin.
For infants, young children and people allergic to essential oils, you can massage the affected areas, one to three times a day as needed, with Organic Calophylle Oil, 100% vegetable oil extracted from the Calophyllum nut. It is suitable for sensitive skin and has many virtues: revitalizing, restorative, soothing and circulatory. The Nourishing and Repairing Balm is also very suitable.

3. Treat atopic eczema with probiotics.
An imbalance of the body’s barriers is often the cause of this atopic dermatitis. Mucous membranes, skin, intestines are attacked by external substances, allergens: mites, pollens, but also egg white, cow’s milk protein. Probiotics, in prevention, will promote intestinal tolerance and strengthen the digestive immune system. Depending on the choice of probiotics they will also regulate the flora. It is therefore possible and advisable to administer them even to infants. A doctor or pediatrician can help you choose the solution best suited to your or your child’s condition.
This skin infection that affects the youngest but also adults disturbs the daily life. Certain rules of life hygiene will promote the effectiveness of treatment, decrease the gene and suffering caused by these skin diseases.

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